

226 products

Eco-friendly urine separator for compost toilets
10 Complete Urine Separators Sale price£350.00
urine separator
10 Urine Separators Sale price£260.00
Handcrafted wooden storytelling throne chair featuring intricate carvings of owls, sunflowers, and engraved book spines, made from sustainable British oakHandcrafted memorial chair featuring Harry Potter books and a tribute to Aimee for a local library.
 fantasie - handgefertigter esszimmer-stuhl-Winkel-Esszimmer-Stuhl
Angel Esszimmerstuhl Verkaufspreis£720.00
Handcrafted wooden storytelling chair with angel wing backrest, made from locally sourced Douglas Fir or Oak, ideal for schools and libraries.Eiche Ikarus Stuhl
Angel Story Stuhl VerkaufspreisAb £520.00
Decorative archway at Studfold Fairy Trail entranceWhimsical gate with flowers and stars at Studfold Trail
Arch for Studfold Fairy Trail Verkaufspreis£3,400.00
Dekorativer Holztorbogen mit positiven Worten und FeenmotivBunter hölzerner Torbogen am Eingang zu Studfold Trails
Archway to Studfold Trails Verkaufspreis£2,400.00
Asma Shabbir's Last Chance
Asma Shabbir's Last Chance Sale price£410.00
Handcrafted wooden storytelling throne chair with intricate badger carvings, made from solid oak, perfect for outdoor gardens and reading spacesHölzerner Thron mit Dachsschnitzereien im Wald
Dachs-Erzählstuhl Verkaufspreis£1,560.00
Handcrafted memorial wooden dog chair featuring hand-carved portraits of dogs Baloo and Shanti, a tribute to the love between a man and his pets.A handmade wooden chair with detailed dog carvings of Baloo and Milly, displayed in a lush garden setting surrounded by vibrant flowers, highlighting its natural and artistic appeal.
Baloo's Memorial Dog Chair Sale price£1,375.00
A handcrafted Bambi-themed memorial oak bench with vibrant carvings, featuring a lovingly detailed Bambi design, perfect for outdoor spaces or as a tribute to cherished memories.

Handgefertigte Eichenbank mit Bambi und Blumen
Bambi-Gedenkbank aus Eichenholz Verkaufspreis£1,600.00
our most basic composting toilet in a campsite settingcompost-toilet-seat
Einfache Komposttoilette Verkaufspreis£2,250.00
Handcrafted wooden storytelling throne chair with intricate beaver carvings, made from solid oak and designed for outdoor useBiber Geschichtenerzähler Fantasiestuhl
Biber Geschichtenerzählerstuhl Verkaufspreis£1,560.00
Handmade wooden beech driftwood bed with spalted beech backboard, eco-friendly and rustic design, perfect for natural interiors.Bett aus Treibholz
Buche Treibholz Bett VerkaufspreisAb £1,750.00
Benutzerdefinierte Holzbett mit Landschaft Design SkizzeSkizze für ein Bett im Wolfsdesign
Bespoke Giant Book Chair VerkaufspreisAb £2,700.00
Maßgeschneidertes Rednerpult mit Eulendesign für die Mountain Lane SchoolIndividuelles Rednerpult aus Holz mit Eulenschnitzereien
A handcrafted wooden memorial bench for Billy, featuring vibrant sunflowers, lightning bolts, and playful comic-style designs, honoring his memory with a heartfelt tribute.

Gedenkbank aus Holz mit der Gravur "Billy the Brave".
Billy's Gedenkbank Sale price£1,720.00
Wooden composttoilet with steps in a grassy area and shepherds hut Wooden composting toilet with a rustic design, featuring a curved roof, side window, and front step, set in a natural forest environment
Moor Standard Komposttoilette Verkaufspreis£2,730.00
solid oak shelfoak shelving
Bone Oak Book Shelf Sale price£850.00
Holzbogen aus Holz für ein Besucherzentrum handgeschnitzter Holzbogen für Besucherzentrum
Brechin Castle Centre Arch Verkaufspreis£3,400.00
Handmade oak cabin storage bed with 18 built-in drawers, offering ample storage solutions, eco-friendly materials, and a stylish wooden frame for bedrooms.Eichenholz-Lagerbett
Kabinenlagerungsbett VerkaufspreisAb £4,530.00
Handcrafted Carved Viking Throne made from solid Welsh oak, featuring intricate Norse carvings and runic engravings, perfect as a storytelling chair or a statement pieceObere Schnitzereien des Wikinger-Thronsessels mit keltischen Motiven
Schach und Backgammon TischEichenschachtisch
Schachtisch / Backgammon-Tisch Verkaufspreis£1,020.00